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Connect the Dots: How do people who are blind do math?

Saturday, May 11, 2024

10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

10:00 AM - 3:00 PM See all dates and Times

Embark on an adventure of discovery into the playful world of Connect the Dots—an educational series that turns the history and innovation of blindness and low vision into an exciting adventure for kids! Connect the Dots, powered by the PNC Foundation, aims to inspire children through an accessibility mindset, encouraging everyone to ponder ways to create a more inclusive world. Over the next two years, The Dot Experience will be holding these monthly events in partnership with Louisville Free Public Library.

How do people who are blind do math?
Instructors of this workshop, who are blind, will demonstrate how they do math and what tools empower them. Getting hands on with both ancient and modern technology, children will discover tools that everyone can use to make sense of math.

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