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ADK-GVC Chapter Meeting: The Barkley Marathons

A 6:30pm workshop is Outdoorsy Book Talks. Club members will be giving shout outs to some of their favorite outdoor themd books! It is a great way to learn about outdoor themed books and pick up some holiday gift ideas! Then, at 7:30 pm our Outside Voices presentation is The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young by Andrew Stackhouse. Rain and mud. Hills and obstacles. Miles and miles of singletrack. Hours and hours of suffering. Ultra racing isn’t for everyone. In fact, ultras are a niche sport for those with a special type of brain that regards extreme competition as “fun.” Trail ultras challenge both your physical capability and mental endurance. As these events are also extremely communal in their nature of shared suffering, oftentimes the only person you’re really competing with is yourself. Andrew Stackhouse participated in a trail ultra that is a precursor to a race so strange that it has a cult-like following and a documentary that attempts to explain how it’s run. To give you an idea, the event bills itself as “the race that eats its young.” This is a sentiment echoed in the documentary "Where Dreams Go To Die." Andrew will explain how he got involved with this community and the related event he participated in. He will share entertaining stories and images documenting his suffering that are sure to perplex and resonate with the audience.

Event Links

Website: https://go.evvnt.com/2018518-0

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