Limit 3 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. Online r...
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Limit 3 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. Online redemption only.
Spiritual Life-coaching sessions are customized to each clients’ need to help guide you on your future path.
Spiritual Life Coaching - Tarot Reading - Detailed 12 Month Forecast (Month by Month) Video Reading
Spiritual Life Coaching - Tarot Reading - Detailed 3 Month Forecast (Month by Month) Video Reading
Spiritual Life Coaching - Tarot Reading - Detailed Couple Past Life Video Reading
Spiritual Life Coaching - Tarot Reading - Detailed Past Life Video Reading
Spiritual Life Coaching - Tarot Reading - Detailed 6 Month Forecast (Month by Month) Video Reading
Spiritual Life Coaching - Tarot Reading 30 Card Detailed Twin Flame / Soulmate Reading (Video Reading)
Choose a life coaching session that can help you gain greater fulfillment, clarify goals, identify obstacles, and then come up with strategies for moving forward.
Redeem You Voucher by Sending a Screenshot to:
All Sessions are pre- recorded. Tarot, Angel and Oracle Card Readings personalized and recorded on Camera. A video will be emailed to you within 1-2 business days of redemption. Live Sessions Also Available, email me to inquire
Spiritual Coaching Session: 12 Month, 6 Month or 3 Month Forecast Tarot Reading
Month by month analysis of what's to come. We can focus on general guidance or specific to love, self love, career, finance, or other areas of life.
Spiritual Coaching Session: 30 Card Twin Flame / Soulmate Tarot Reading
Ask up to 5 questions or get a general analysis of your current or upcoming twin flame or soulmate journey. Find out what's to come. What do you need to know. What lessons are involved.
Spiritual Coaching Session: Past Life Tarot Reading or Couples Past Life Tarot Reading
Dive into who you were in your past. Is there Karma to clear? For the couples reading, find out how you and the person in your heart and mind had a connection in the past life. What karma are you clearing together?
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10am to 8pm CST.