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The 'Beautiful Woman Inside and Out' Conference

Saturday, November 01, 2014

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM See all dates and Times


The 'Beautiful Woman Inside and Out' event is designed is to educate, empower and equip women to live their BEST lives. Our objective is to address the "whole" woman and provide the necessary information in a culturally relevant manner that allows women to make informed choices about their health/wellness with a focus on both their inner (health/wellness) and outer beauty (physical attributes).

We launched this extraordinary event in 2011 and we invite you to visit the website, look at the pictures, read the comments, view our past programs and our promotional video. It is simply a one of a kind event that you don't want to miss!

Why YOU Must Be at 'Beautiful Woman Inside and Out'
Women are often so focused on their families, careers and just life in general, that they don't take time to care for and appreciate themselves. Well NO MORE! We've planned a day that you will NEVER forget! This is perfect for any woman that wants to be around other positive women, perfect for mothers/daughters, best friends, family members, sorority sisters, women's groups, book clubs and colleagues.
This day long, high energy event is filled with leading experts which may include dermatologists, fashion experts, aestheticians, celebrity makeup artists, fitness and nutrition experts, physicians and celebrity hair stylists. All of these experts will share the same platform and you will NEVER be the same! These experts are the best in their field and are available to our registrants for 'up close and personal' time during the sessions and in small sessions.
We approach 'beauty' devoid of the typical stereotypes and want to assure that women are healthy; we will dispel myths, and give useful/practical advice from all of the experts. We believe that women should want to be their very best on the inside and out! This groundbreaking conference addresses the woman in a way that she can relate to and embrace.

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