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Up to 60% Off on Boxing / Kickboxing - Training at Swift Fitness Studio

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

On The Beat is all about repetition than speed so you will burn fat AND tone! Great for ALL Fitness Levels! Modifications provided

One class pass to experience Square-Fit On The Beat!

1 class pass to experience a 45-minute session of Square-Fit On The Beat! Bring a friend and have a great time moving to the rhythm of the beat while burning calories!

If you are looking for an energetic boxing and conditioning aerobic class, this is the one for you. In this class, you are using professional boxing techniques that include a variety of punching combinations with forward/lateral movement that is done on the beat of high-energy music. You’re going to learn how to use our seven key connectors to develop rhythm.

Square-Fit Pro Boxing & Conditioning is a non-contact (shadow boxing) fitness program that utilizes professional boxing techniques that target the core, legs, and upper extremities to allow your body to burn fat and tone simultaneously. This program also challenges fast and slow twitch muscles to improve core strength and multi joint movements. 

*Please review our COVID-19 Guidance on our website at swiftfitnessstudio.com before you visit.

*Please email [email protected] to be added to the class roster upon purchase. Please include your Groupon voucher. Thanks!

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