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$35 for Detox Body Wrap at Medassage Health and Wellness ($55 Value)

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Skilled technicians wrap the customers with detox body wraps that may improve skin texture, boost metabolism, and rid the body of toxins

  • Intended benefits: detox body wraps aim to rid the body and muscle tissues of toxins while improving the texture and overall appearance of clients’ skin. Besides that, detox body wraps are designed to boost the metabolism, contour the body, provide softness, and tighten the skin.

Medassage Health and Wellness

Medassage Health and Wellness specialize in providing high-quality wellness and beauty treatments with some alternative and holistic options. Some of the popular services the staff offers include massages, body contouring, foot baths, body wraps, waxing, and many more. Besides that, their ultimate goal is to help customers with their journey to a stress-free life.

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