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Up to 60% Off on Salon - Scalp Care at Adams Eve Bath And Body

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

A licensed Esthetician will thoroughly analyze the scalp under a microscope to expose how your scalp looks up close to treat clients needs

One Scalp Analysis and Scalp facial

This herbal treatment starts with a close look under a microscope at your scalp. Based on your scalp and hair goals the specialist will customize a herbal treatment to treat your scalp. This facial consist of a scalp scrub, shampoo, hot oil massage, treatment mask under steam and lastly a herbal hair rinse. This treatment can treat major scalp concerns like, psoriasis or dandruff , fungal and bacterial infection; this treatment can also stimulate hair growth and boost hairs moisture intake.

Two Scalp analysis and Scalp Facials

This herbal treatment starts with a close look under a microscope at your scalp. Based on your scalp and hair goals the specialist will customize a herbal treatment to treat your scalp. This facial consist of a scalp scrub, shampoo, hot oil massage, treatment mask under steam and lastly a herbal hair rinse. This treatment can treat major scalp concerns like, psoriasis or dandruff , fungal and bacterial infection; this treatment can also stimulate hair growth and boost hairs moisture intake.

Adam’s Eve Bath&Body’s Beauty & Wellness Bar is inside of Smith‘s Dream Unisex Salon. Walk ins are accepted, Business hours are listed below:

Monday: 9am-9pm

Tuesday & Wednesday 9am-6pm 

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