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Up to 56% Off on Salon - Haircut - Women at Dior Hair Studio At Salon Lofts

Not valid for customers active within the past 6 month(s). Additional fees may apply depending on hair length, texture, and density. Appointment required, 24 hour advance notice required. Limit 1 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). All goods or services must be used by the same person. If you make a reservation through Groupon, you may cancel or change your reservation up to 24 hours before its start time. Otherwise, vouchers booked through Groupon will be redeemed and the deal’s promotional value and amount paid will expire. Redeemed vouchers may not be refunded or rescheduled - this also applies to no-shows. Your name and email address will be shared with this merchant to facilitate your reservation.

Talented stylists renovate and freshen up looks by offering services that may make the hair look more shiny and healthy

  • Valid with any stylist
  • Stylists apply a keratin formula to hair and then seal it with a very hot flat-iron. The heat from the iron, along with other chemicals in the keratin formula, activates a smoothing effect.

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