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Up to 37% Off on Massage - Therapeutic at HolyStick,LLC

Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

Relax your body. Refresh your mind. Refill your soul!

One 60-Minute Therapeutic Body Massage with Acupuncture

One 45-minute Therapeutic Body Massage and Acupressure with 15-minute Acupuncture session for your health and wellness. 

You can choose your body part to focus on pain Relief or general body relaxation during therapeutic body care session

You can keep your clothes on during the massage session if you want to

You will get what you love to get!

Benefits: Pain management, Stress Management, Optimal Body Balance and Increase your energy flow.

One 90-Minute Therapeutic Body Massage with TCM Evaluation

One 45-minute Therapeutic Body Massage and Acupressure with 15-minute Acupuncture session for your health and wellness followed by 30-minute TCM Evaluation 

You can enjoy your body part to focus on pain relief, reduction and general body relaxation during therapeutic body care session

You can keep your clothes on during the massage session if you want to

You will get what you love to get!

Benefits: By TCM evaluation, you can understand your lifestyle, energy flow in 24 hours cycle, what causes pain, & boost your energy level including pain management, stress management and balanced immunity.

HolyStick,LLC provides the non-invasive treatment with people in chronic pain with focus on the population of health care providers in community. We utilize a variety of great tools included Cupping, Photo therapy, Laser therapy, Moxa, E-stim and so on. We have a great Ki-Bone Wellness program that help you keep your body in shape with regard to your chronic pain relief, posture alignment, sports injury recovery and prevention of physical illness. 

You will enjoy what you want to get!    

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