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Live Webinar on Top Research Evidence on 12 Best Strategies for Dealing wit

OVERVIEW Who are toxic personalities? “They are often known as narcissists, bullies, and clever chameleons who knock down, but kiss up,” said Dr. Kusy, author of his newly released book, Why I Don’t Work Here Anymore: A Leader’s Guide to Offset the Financial and Emotional Costs of Toxic Employees. They shame, manipulate, and belittle in public and private as their modus operandi. Leaders feel the angst they cause, but are often unaware of how prevalent they are or how much they cost—in terms of money and team performance.
FEAR: Strategies for dealing with toxic people are easier when your toxic person has performance problems, but what about leadership fears when toxic individuals are your organizational stars?
UNCERTAINTY: Mitch shares how giving feedback to a toxic star is painful because of the uncertainty of results, but it can be done quite effectively.
• 92% of employees rated the range of severity of toxic work behaviors 7 to 10 on a 10-point scale: What are best practices for dealing with a toxic personality and reducing the severity of these behaviors?
• 94% of employees have work with a toxic person in the past 5 years: What are benchmarked ways for intervention?
• 87% reported that team climate worsened: How can you assess team climate with a simple and innovative assessment tool?
Dr. Mitch Kusy shares the extensive 3-year national study that he conducted with over 400 individuals on toxic personalities. Mitch’s heavily researched protocol will demonstrate the top 12 strategies for dealing with toxic personalities and establish cultures of everyday civility. What can leaders do to both deal with them once they are in your organization, as well as how to prevent these Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydes from ever entering your company?
• Leaders, managers, and supervisors
• Human resource professionals
• Talent development professionals
• Counselors
• Coaches
• HR Managers
• HR Generalists
• Operations Managers
• Compensation Professionals

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