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House of Hamill - St. Patrick's Concert at the Loft at City Winery

“Their songs are always on the edge of traditional and innovation . . . their performances are electrifying”. - Sarah MacArthur, Highlander Radio

House of Hamill, a national touring act described as “Radiohead meets Riverdance”, will perform at the Loft at City Winery on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, 2020.

House of Hamill features Brian Buchanan of Enter the Haggis and Rose Baldino of Burning Bridget Cleary.

Their chemistry onstage is always engaging and often hilarious. Spend an hour listening and you'll leave with tired feet, a huge smile, and a new appreciation for the versatility of folk instruments in a modern context.

Check out their all-violin viral video of Guns n Roses’ “Sweet Child of Mine”:

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