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Up to 77% Off on Cavitation at United Hands Wellness Center

Promotional value expires 6 months after purchase. May be repurchased every 90 days. Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s).

We are here to help assist you in your wellness goals using a variety of techniques to slim and contour the body

Four Ultrasonic-Cavitation Treatments

Ultrasonic Cavitation: During the procedure, a licensed professional treats problem areas with an ultrasonic device, which emits low-frequency sound waves that burst fat cells to help drain their contents.

Typical treatment areas include most areas where excess fat is stored, including the abdomen, love handles, thighs, buttocks, upper arms, and chin. Ultrasonic cavitation treatments break up fat and allow the lymphatic system to flush it away.

Eight Ultrasonic-Cavitation Treatments

Ultrasonic Cavitation: During the procedure, a licensed professional treats problem areas with an ultrasonic device, which emits low-frequency sound waves that burst fat cells to help drain their contents.

Typical treatment areas include most areas where excess fat is stored, including the abdomen, love handles, thighs, buttocks, upper arms, and chin.

  During the procedure, a licensed professional treats problem areas with an ultrasonic device, which emits low-frequency sound waves that burst fat cells to help drain their contents.

    Typical treatment areas include most areas where excess fat is stored, including the abdomen, love handles, thighs, buttocks, upper arms, and chin.

    During the procedure, a licensed professional uses radio-frequency waves to reshape and kick-start collagen production in your skin cells, returning a youthful elasticity and diminishing the look of cellulite.

    Typical treatment areas include the abdomen, waistline, buttocks, and thighs.

    Typical facial treatment areas include the neck, jowls, decollete, and laugh lines.

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