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Healthcare Packages from Dr. Ian Rainey, D.C (Up to 72% Off). Three Options Available.

Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift. Valid only for option purchased. Appointment required. All goods or services must be used by the same person. Consultation required; non-candidates and other refund requests will be honored before service provided. Must sign waiver. May be repurchased every 30 days.

Dr. Ian Rainey, D.C. is chiropractor and holistic medicine practitioner specializing in providing a natural approach to health

Choose from Three Options

For more information on Dr. Ian Rainey, D.C click here.

A Chat with Dr. Ian Rainey, D.C

What services does your business offer and what makes your business stand out from the competition?

We take the data generated by your blood sample and employ sophisticated software to analyze that data, allowing us to determine a general state of health. Our doctors, trained in the most advanced Functional Medicine, will review results and discuss them with you. Most doctors look for disease and attempt to stop it once it has already begun. Our testing, on the other hand, goes much deeper, and our analysis software is designed to prevent future disease and maximize your current state of health.

What was the inspiration to start or run this business?

My father died very young of a heart attack. My grand father died at 40 from a heart attack. Both men looked and acted healthy on the outside. Then there is me, Dr. Rainey. I eat healthy. I look healthy, but when I ran my blood work 2 years ago, I discovered that I was going down the same road to a premature death. This testing has saved my life, and I want to make it affordable to everyone. I, along with many of my patients are healthier than we were in our 20’s. We look like it, and we feel like it. Health is not as elusive as you might think. And just because your family may have bad genes, that doesn’t mean that you will have the same destiny. When it comes to your health, “Don’t guess. Test.” Our testing will identify deficiencies and help you predict and prevent future health conditions.

What do you love most about your job?

I love being able to show people what is happening inside their body. I love showing them how they can improve their health, while looking and feeling better!

What is the best reaction you’ve ever gotten from a customer?

That’s a tough one. We are truly loved by our patients. Every day, we have patients say things like, “Well that explains why I feel so lousy.” But here is a great email we recently received: “As I awake to yet another pain free morning I am compelled to thank you for literally saving life. I have lived with so much pain for so many years that I am nearly in complete disbelief that I can feel good again. I still have achey moments and can predict upcoming storms, but I am so much improved I feel I can conquer the world. THANK YOU for everything but most of all thank you for caring. You will never know what you have done for me and my family. Everyone’s lives will improve because of you and your amazing abilities. I have prayed for a miracle and GOD has sent one through you. May GOD continue to bless you. J.S.

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