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Microdermabrasion, LED Facial, Nanoneedling, & More at Boho Aesthetics (Up to 30% Off). 5 Options Available.

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Experienced esthetician offers facial treatments that can nourish and smoothen the skin as well as improve its overall texture

  • Type of microdermabrasion: diamond

  • About diamond microdermabrasion: An aesthetician moves a pen-like wand—with a diamond-studded tip—gently over your face in short, quick strokes, breaking up dull, dead skin cells as the wand whisks them away

  • Potential benefits of microdermabrasion facials: brighter and softer skin in the short term, meaning makeup can be applied more smoothly. After multiple treatments, microdermabrasion can rejuvenate the skin and you may notice a reduction in sunspots, scars, and fine lines, as well as improved skin tone and clarity.
  • Learn more about microdermabrasion

  • Benefits of LED-light facial: noninvasive treatment aims to boost collagen production and treat acne, fine lines, and wrinkles, as well as address early signs of aging

  • Benefits of Let Me Get to Know You facial: designed to address one’s specific needs and issues, the treatment can help purify the skin, cleanse pores, restore a youthful appearance, improve acne, or reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Includes skin analysis and consultation.
  • Microcurrent Facelift: During the treatment, extremely low-voltage electrical currents are emitted to mirror the body’s own electrical currents to repair damaged skin by stimulating collagen and elastin production.

  • Nano Needling Skin Refining treatment is a non-invasive procedure of delivering active ingredients into the epidermis to treat various skin conditions.
  • Benefits of Nano Needling Skin Refining treatments: it is suitable for all skin types and aims at stimulating the production of collagen to make the skin tighter and firmer.

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