Limit 3 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 120 days. Highly ...
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Limit 3 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 120 days.
Highly relaxing, late night availability, flexible scheduling, pain/stress management, 100% confidential, compassionate listening, remote
35 Minute Guided Neural Rejuvenation Session (Remote)
35 Minutes
Session activates parasympathetic (rest/digest) aspect of the central nervous system, allowing exploration of one's body while in a highly relaxed state through guided meditations, tailored to each individual.
Relaxing and particularly supportive for people dealing with insomnia, pain management, headaches, autoimmune issues, and difficult emotional processes (PTSD, anxiety, depression, and stress).
Recommended the client lie down somewhere comfortable and uninterrupted, preferably before bed or with time to relax afterwards.
This shorter session serves as a sampler of the work.
60 Minute Guided Neural Rejuvenation Session (Remote)
60 Minutes
Session activates parasympathetic (rest/digest) aspect of the central nervous system, allowing exploration of one's body while in a highly relaxed state through guided meditations, tailored to each individual.
Relaxing and particularly supportive for people dealing with insomnia, pain management, headaches, autoimmune issues, and difficult emotional processes (PTSD, anxiety, depression, and stress).
Recommended the client lie down somewhere comfortable and uninterrupted, preferably before bed or with time to relax afterwards.
60 minutes is a typical full length session.
Why Receive a Guided Nervous System Rebalancing Session?
Our central nervous system is where the rubber meets the road in terms of the mind-body connection and the imprints of stress and trauma as well as their bi-products of anxiety, depression, and a lack of focus; problems exacerbated by the complications of everyday life. Not to mention the difficulty we might already be facing from physical issues that further complicate our desire to be our best selves. Being seen, heard, and guided through the central nervous system with meditations and questions about one's physical experience allows the client to push the reset button so that the nervous system can reprogram around its original blueprint of health and support the body.
How Does This Work? What's Happens?
The sessions activate the parasympathetic (rest and digest) aspect of the central nervous system, deepening the exploration into one's own body in a highly relaxed state. If our bodies were houses, an osteopath or chiropractor would work with the frame, a massage therapist would work with the drywall and insulation, and somebody with my background would work with the wiring.
Each session is tailored to meet the needs of the client, so it's extremely rare that any two sessions are identical. Once a session is completed, clients tend to feel relaxed, rebalanced, and rejuvenated. They receive some clarity around what's happening physiologically and energetically as sensations arise .
Jonas's Background
Jonas Blume is a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist with a background in Energy Medicine. In addition to working alongside chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists, he held a private practice in Oakland from 2015-2020. Jonas studied Energy Medicine at The Luminous Awareness Institute from 2012-2017, attended multiple workshops and seminars, and studied at Body Intelligence from 2014-2015 as well where he would return as a staff member, tutoring and assisting other students in their journeys to become craniosacral therapists. While offering talks and workshops, Jonas currently sees clients online and in person from his private practice in Tokyo and Nirasaki, Japan.
While some might call him a "healer," he thinks of himself as a facilitator; somebody who creates the space by witnessing and bringing attention to the movements of the client's nervous system and fluid/cellular movement so that the client can feel her/his own blockages and equip the body to correct them.