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Meet Willy Wonka Mike TV

Paris Themmen ('Mike Teevee' of Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory) is holding his commercial acting class for NYC and LA right in The It Factor Productions' office, June 28, 2014 at 2 p.m.

In this workshop, you will be trained on how to approach on-camera auditions, how to be a TV host, how to use cue cards and teleprompters, and so much more.

Whether you just want to learn about the entertainment industry or fine-tune your skills as a model, this personalized setting and hands-on workshop will give you an inside scoop to the inner-workings of the business and /or the knowledge to ace your next audition.

The event is $45 per person; if you are signed Colby KMM talent, the event is FREE.

Paris Themmen is an American actor, commercial casting director and entrepreneur.

Themmen appeared in radio and TV commercials, voice-overs and theater before playing the role of Mike Teevee in the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, when he was 11 years old. He performed on Broadway in Mame with Ann Miller in 1967 and in The Rothschilds in 1970.

He has worked at a variety of jobs including Real Estate Broker, Walt Disney Imagineer and Financial Advisor and in Los Angeles running commerical casting sessions.

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