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Exploring Mussar

Exploring Mussar: Finding Balance Through Ancient Wisdom Led by Rabbi Ariel Milan-Polisar Three Wednesdays, November 1, 8 & 15, 10:30-11:45 am (Hybrid) Whether this is the first you’re hearing of Mussar, or you’ve spent a lot of time studying it, all are welcome in this deep dive into the Jewish study of balance. Mussar is both a fount of wisdom and can be a spiritual practice, as it teaches us how to cultivate different middot (Jewish values) in our lives. We will take a brief look at the history of Mussar, and then each week we will examine a different middah and explore how we can incorporate it into our own lives. No cost for congregants. $10/session for non-members. Registration is required: https://kolaminj.shulcloud.com/event/exploringmussar Zoom information is included in registration confirmation. Questions? Please contact the Adult Education Committee: [email protected] or 856-489-0029.

Event Links

Tickets: https://go.evvnt.com/2022447-0

Virtual: https://go.evvnt.com/2022447-2

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