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Your Opinion Matters to Zagat - Win an Android Tablet!

Your opinion matters to Zagat - and to show our appreciation to the voters in the Zagat 2013 Philadelphia Restaurants Survey, UpcomingEvents.com and Zagat would like to give you the chance to win a T-Mobile G-Slate 4G Android Tablet (valued at $800!).

How it works:
  1. Quick Register: Fill out the registration form by March 12, 2012 (click link below)
  2. Vote: Visit the Zagat 2013 Philadelphia Restaurants Survey to begin voting & commenting on the places you've visited in the past year. Each new comment will be judged as a new entry in the contest.
Then, starting on March 15th, we'll pick one winner based on who wrote the best-quality reviews. For more details on what we're looking for in a review, check out the example below. Remember, we are looking for QUALITY in the reviews, not quantity.  Happy Voting!

It's all about the scene at this Downtown Italian hot spot where the stylish crowd, slick decor and designer-clad staff are all equally gorgeous. You definitely pay for the spectacle, but the well-prepared food is worth it too - if your waiter can tear himself away from the mirror long enough to serve it.

Note: You must be 18 years of age, and a resident of Pennsylvania or New Jersey to be eligible.  If there are multiple Zagat-sponsored contests with overlapping contest periods, entries will only be counted in the first contest for which you register.  Click here for Official Contest Rules.

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