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An Introducition to Ayurveda / Ayurvedic Cooking Demo

The first of this season's 4 part series will introduce Aryuveda, which means the wisdom of life. It is an over 5,000 year-old healing philosophy from India that views all life as a multi-dimensional expression of consciousness. Aryuvedic wisdom views food as medicine. Through learning about food and it's healing power one can discover how to create balance for his or her own constitutional type known as Dosha, and how to make lifestyle choices in harmony with their unique nature.

Marilyn Moser-Waxman will be teaching this series alongside Aryuvedic Practitioner and Founder of the The Kalayana Center, Dr. Joanna Carmichael. Each class will explore the basics of Aryuvedic practice and healing. The first half of each class will be taught by Dr. Carmichael and during the 2nd half, Marilyn will prepare foods specific to each class topic.

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