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October 5K Halloween Bootcamp

Are you ready to start the Holiday Season out on the right foot??? Then sign up for this fun challenge that will get you fit rather than fat during the Trick-or-Treat season which is coming upon us. I want you to put your money where your mouth is. We will start with a 5k run that you do on your own and time yourself. Then you will send in your time. Then over the month we will be doing bootcamp workouts every day with some scary monster theme each day. It's gonna be fun!!! And who knows, maybe your hosts Train With Shawn will be dressed up in some ridiculous costume in each of his workout videos. So you will be entertained! We will also be posting fun recipes for healthy alternatives for all your halloween parties. We will also be focusing on nutrition habits during the challenge. After the month, you will run your second 5k on Halloween morning and I guarantee that you will see a great time reduction for those who stick to the workouts and nutrition. You will recieve your medal if you decide to take the money challenge. Now back to putting your money where your mouth is. If you beat your time you will earn your medal. If you do not beat your time, then your payment for the medal will go towards the fight against Childhood Obesity! So it's not a bad thing, but I want to you to blow your time out of the water. EARN YOUR MEDAL!! Otherwise you can particpate for free!!!

Come and make new friends around the world and make your Halloween season one of progress towards your fitness and mental goals!! Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/events/897361407016716/


SIGN UP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/october-5k-halloween-bootcamp-tickets-18523214433

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