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Find out what makes us Qlik. Free networking event

Join us at our free networking event and let us know Have you ever wondered what it is like to work for a global software company that is considered the market leader in Data Discovery? A segment of the Business Intelligence market it pioneered and is currently growing at a ridiculous rate?
Qlik is the company and this is your opportunity to learn 'what makes us Qlik'
We are hosting a free networking event on Thursday, March 13, 2014 at Field House Philadelphia to introduce Qlik culture to people interested in learning what it is like to work at Qlik. This is a casual event targeted specifically at people interested in sales or lead development and looking to connect with Qlik employees.
If you are interested or know someone in your network who might be interested, please register now for free!
Oh, by the way, WE ARE HIRING... Tell your friends now!

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