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Back to the 80s Dance Workshop

Dust off your leg warmers, neon scrunchies and wool blazers because Philly Dance Fitness is traveling back to the future, er, 80s, for our next workshop! Kathy and Deb are teaming up to lead a rockin' 80s dance party that will have you singing along as you sweat. The music will span the decade, from Madonna's classic pop to Journey's power ballads.

We'll start with follow-the-leader routines to favorites like "Take on Me,"? "Don't You Want Me,"? and "Mikey" to get the heart rate up. Then, we'll dive into a few short combinations, maybe a little "Love Shack,"? a "Safety Dance,"? and even some formations for "Any Way You Want It."? Top it all off with a progressive routine to "The Heat is On,"? from "Beverly Hills Cop 1984."

Costumes are absolutely encouraged. Maybe we'll even have prizes for the best outfits.

So, come join us for this 80s-tastic afternoon. Space is limited to ensure that everyone has room to dance, so get your tickets now!

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