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3rd Life Science Knowledge Management Summit

The perils of knowledge management today can be attributed to a plethora of causes  insufficient resources, lagging leadership support, too little regard for change management, and disparate and incompatible internal KM systems. With the increasing rates of mergers and acquisitions, outsourcing, and global expansion, the challenges to KM are sure to be greater, as will the need for KM ecosystems to set and meet relevant goals. Your success and your company's well-being are increasingly dependent on your KM ecosystem's ability and capacity to foster sharing, innovation, collaboration and learning. These processes are integral to acquiring, processing, codifying, storing, distributing and applying knowledge. We are proud to host the only KM conference for the life sciences. The 3rd Life Science Knowledge Management Summit will take place in Philadelphia on August 8-9, 2016. Summit attendees will learn knowledge management methods, techniques and tools from exemplary case studies, expert panels and peer networking.

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