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Look At Us: Opening Reception

LOOK AT US - an exhibition hosted @ DVAA in Gallery 1 July 6th - 29th Opening Reception: Friday, July 6th, from 6-8pm Artist Reception: Sunday July 22nd, from 1-5pm, Artist
Talks start at 2pm.

Artworks by DVAA members:
- Rosalind Bloom: collage, transfer print and mixed media installation
- Sarah R. Bloom: photography and mixed media
- Colleen Gahrmann: ceramics, sculpture, mixed media and photographic installations
- Charlotte Schatz: drawings, prints and sculpture

DVAA is proud to host Look at US, an exhibition of works by Rosalind Bloom, Sarah R. Bloom, Colleen Gahrmann, and Charlotte Schatz which critique American culture. This exhibition runs concurrently with the DVAA exhibition in Gallery 2, The City and The Sea.

LOOK AT US is an exhibition of work that addresses issues of contemporary American public concern, some of which are immensely and forwardly pervasive, others which are just as prevalent but often much more subtle. In sculpture, ceramics, mixed media collage, and photography, these artists acknowledge and examine their own privilege, thus opening a dialogue on issues such as gender inequality, social injustice, and the history of American racial tension. In the face of hatred and oppression we all need to own our own complicity.

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