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Vineyl Night


a.kitchen is hosting another Vineyl Night on Tuesday, February 28th with Jim Nolan from Vine Street Imports. The series will be tapping distributors, brands, sommeliers, and beverage directors from Philly and beyond that have helped shape a.kitchen’s award-winning wine list, guests will helm a mini takeover of the wine list for the evening. 


Each event will feature four to six bottle selections hand-picked from the guest available by the glass and a playful menu of bar snacks from Executive Chef Eli Collins. Hosted by a.kitchen’s Beverage and Service Director Frank Kinyon, the cork in Vineyl Night is that there will be a turntable brought in to spin records for the evening. The food menu will feature A - and B-side snacks that pair well with the wine menu, including Pork Jowl Bouchon, Sweet Breads with Mustard Greens + Boursin, and Lamb Sausage Patty Melt. 

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