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Up to 37% Off on V-Steam at TrueRootsWellness

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

We are offering women the freedom to enter into a safe and harmonious place, to support and nourish the divine female spirit.

Gently steaming the yoni with healing herbs is a very simple, effective and ancient tradition. Generations of women from many indigenous cultures through centuries have been passing down this sacred ritual to energetically, emotionally and physically cleanse and nourish their yoni and awaken their Feminine Essence. During a Yoni Steam, you allow the warmth of selected and organic herbal steam to permeate and relax the sexual organs and womb. Blends: Heal, Tone & Tighten, and Fertility.

Step inside and connect with the 'Mother Nature' inside of you. Our Yoni service is given in our amazingly nurturing Nature Room. Here you will find peace and tranquility as you relax and let the mix of "Womb Herbs" heal your most sacred place! Gently steaming the yoni with healing herbs is a very simple, effective and ancient tradition. Generations of women from many indigenous cultures through centuries have been passing down this sacred ritual to energetically, emotionally and physical.

V-steam party of four-each guest will receive an individual peri-steam hydrotherapy consultation, v-steam session, customized herbal blend, personal care plan, hot or cold herbal tea blend, and learn pertinent tips for caring about and honoring your womb space. This peri-party is sure to wow your guests! 

This event is perfect for you next Sisterhood gathering, Bridal Shower, Birthday Bash or Girls Night Out!

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