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One Month of Unlimited Classes for One or Two at CrossFit M.D.I (Up to 60% Off)

Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 120 days. Valid only for option purchased. All goods or services must be used by the same person.

Certified instructors guide trainees through crossfit, yoga, weightlifting, or boot camp classes of their choosing to improve their fitness

  • Includes: yoga, crossfit, olympic weightlifting, and boot camp classes.
  • Overview of the classes:
    • Yoga: 1-hour class made focusing on improving mobility, flexibility and stability to support weekly workouts.
    • CrossFit: strength and conditioning program testing aerobic capacity and increasing muscular endurance. Exercises include: classic lifts, deadlifts, squats and presses. Recommended for novices and advanced athletes alike.
    • Olympic Weightlifting Class: Specialized class that focuses on the Olympic lifts and accessory movements to improve them. Focuses on the very basics for novice lifters to specific training for advanced lifters.

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