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Up to 60% Off on Facial - Diamond Peeling at Organic Bella

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. Appointment required. Must sign waiver.

Your facials specialist will determine the type of treatment’s needed for specific needs.

One Medical-Grade Diamond Peel Microdermabrasion with hyaluronic acid mask

A diamond peel treatment is a mechanical exfoliation technique similar to microdermabrasion. This noninvasive cosmetic procedure removes excess oil, dirt, and dead cells on the surface of the skin to reveal the younger, brighter skin cells underneath.


As we age, we lose collagen and hyaluronic acid naturally, so the skin becomes dehydrated more easily. Hyaluronic acid is bound to collagen on one side and links to water molecules on the other, giving skin its plumpness.

One chemical peel with Dermalplaining

Used with a chemical peel. Dermaplaning is a skin resurfacing procedure that people use to give the skin a smoother appearance. It uses a blade to remove the top layer of the skin and the vellus facial hair(or baby facial hair) When a certified professional performs dermaplaning, it assists in facial products to absorb batter and make up to go on smoother.

One dermaplaning treatment with hyaluronic Mask

Dermaplaning is a skin resurfacing procedure that people use to give the skin a smoother appearance. It uses a blade to remove the top layer of the skin and the vellus facial hair(or baby facial hair) When a certified professional performs dermaplaning, it assists in facial products to absorb batter and make up to go on smoother.

Included with all treatment's is a cleanse,toner,mask ,moisterizer and sunscreen.

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