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Generative Abstractions: Paul & Lawrence Hultberg

'Generative Abstractions: Paul & Lawrence Hultberg' will feature a collection of Paul's landscape paintings, drawing from the rich abstract impressionism and dynamic enamel craft of his career as a muralist. Paul began painting landscapes in his 70’s, and many artworks in this exhibition are previously unseen. In his impressionist landscapes, Paul explored light and shadow within natural colors and vivid textures, giving life to his statement: "There are those who dream of death as a waking up from life." Much like his father, Lawrence Hultberg walks to the beat of his creative drum with striking multimedia artworks and mandalas combining digital collages, tribal textures, and organic structures. Lawrence’s avant-garde artworks reflect the influence of growing up with artistic parents and living eclectically, combining the juxtaposing worlds of tribal artifacts and cosmopolitan cities. Lawrence categorizes these pieces as ‘Urban Abstracts,’ blending the familiar and unfamiliar in artworks that intrigue and challenge the viewer. In the combined artworks of father and son Paul and Lawrence Hultberg, we see an unconventional, trailblazing artistic spirit defined by experimentation, exploration, and family. Take advantage of the opportunity to see this unique exhibition and celebrate the creative life of the late Paul Hultberg. The show opens on Thursday, December 21st, from 5 – 8 p.m. and runs through Saturday, January 27th. ABOUT PAUL HULTBERG Paul Hultberg, who passed away in 2019, was a renowned artist in murals, enamel, and impressionist landscapes. Over his 50-year long career, Paul gained international recognition for his innovative work in muralism and his experimental use of enamel. Paul studied and taught worldwide, attending the Roski School of Art and Design in California, studying in Mexico City at the Instituto Politecnico Nacional with famed muralists such as Jose Gutierrez, and teaching at the Brooklyn Museum Art School. Paul's work, compared to Abstract Expressionist painters such as Jackson Pollock, has been exhibited in cultural spaces such as the Museum of Contemporary Crafts, MoMA, the Korman Gallery, and the Pan Am Building. Throughout his career, Paul ran a successful mural painting business, which he established in Los Angeles and continued in his home of Rockland County, New York. Paul’s artworks in ‘Generative Abstractions: Paul & Lawrence Hultberg’ capture the rich experimentation and twilight reflections of an artist who never stopped exploring and pushing his craft forward. ABOUT LAWRENCE HULTBERG Lawrence grew up in a family of artists, with parents immersed in the New York School of Modern Art. As a child, Lawrence spent his time in the wooded mountains of their upstate New York home, fascinated by the microcosm of wildlife and insects. In adulthood, Lawrence has thrived in urban landscapes and became a collector of tribal artifacts. He has curated shows for the Smithsonian and ran several galleries for ethnographic masks and contemporary art. Lawrence's multi-disciplinary, avant-garde artworks reflect his eclectic creative background. Known for his "Urban Abstracts," Lawrence produces intricate multimedia collages and experimental paintings combining city-made textures, natural patterns, and the patinas of tribal artifacts. Lawrence is also known for his Mandalas, compelling digital pieces exploring the microcosm and fractal geometries through photography reshaped into kaleidoscopic images.

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Website: https://go.evvnt.com/2134629-0

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