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Can an Employee be Fired over a Social Media Posting

Topic : Can an Employee be Fired over a Social Media Posting Register : https://www.ijonaskills.us/webinarDetails?webinarid=650&speakerid=140&domain=4&source=UCE_LN

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I posted it online can I be fired for that comment? Some employees depending in their position may have more rights than others as to what they post online. Some employees based upon content may have more protection. Does the law distinguish between online vs offline conduct? How is cyberbullying view under the law? Training in this area may be a more effective way to reduce incidents of social media postings that harm employees and the reputations of businesses.

Areas Covered in the Session :

State laws that may pose problems for you if you terminate an employee for a social media post, they made while off-duty.
What legal issues the NLRB could allege based on your social media policy
First Amendment rights of public employees
Cyberbullying vs bullying are they the same
Online harassment is the employer responsible
How to create a legally compliant social media policy

Speaker Profile :

Stuart Silverman has been practi cing law for 30 years and is the principal of the Law Offices of Stuart M. Silverman, P.A., located in Boca Raton, Florida. The emphasis of his practice is in the area of labor and employment law, and business and commercial litigation. Mr. Silverman has represented both private and public employers, as well as individual employees in a whole host of complex business disputes and employment settings at administrative levels, and state and federal trial and appellate courts. His extensive employment litigation experience includes claims under age, race, sex discrimination, wage and hour claims, whistleblower and retaliation claims, ADA and FMLA claims, public employee's claims, as well as disputes under employment contracts, non-compete agreements, trade secrets disputes, and partnership breakups.

Contact Info :

Ijona Skills


Email : [email protected]

Phone : +1 302-830-3132

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