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Up to 50% Off on Home Organization at Neat Rules

Limit 1 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 60 days.

We help to turn your clutter into Joy, so you save time, money and your sanity. We schedule a 15 minute consultation before each session.

We are more than your average home organization and lifestyle brand. We empower individuals and families to turn their clutter into joy, turning your house into a sanctuary you can be proud to call home.

We schedule a phone consultation before each session to understand your goals and vision. 

The Neat Rules organizing process: 

1) Sort

Whether your place is "slightly unorganized" or a royal mess, we have the tools, inspiration, and patience to make a change. We’ll sort your possessions by category, not location, bringing clarity as to how much you own versus how much you really need.

2) Joy Check

After neatening up and organizing your things, we can help you make more informed decisions about what brings you joy. This will make it easier to segregate things into keep, donate, or discard piles.

3) Redesign

We’ll take your home back to the drawing board by creating clever, functional, and accessible spaces for everything. Your only job is to keep things this way!

Offer is valid to people living is Manhattan and Brooklyn. If you are outside of these areas please email [email protected] before booking. 

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