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One or Two 60-Minute Yon-Ka Facials with Customized Facial Mask at Fringe Artistic Salon and Spa (Up to 54% Off)

Not valid for customers active within the past 12 month(s). Appointment required. Limit 1 per person. Merchant's standard cancellation policy applies (any fees not to exceed voucher price). Valid only for option purchased. All goods or services must be used by the same person.

An experienced technician uses techniques that cleanse, exfoliate, and nourish the client’s skin during Yon-Ka treatment

  • Benefits of Yon-Ka facial: treatment is dedicated to utilizing innovative and increasingly green formulas, features botanically-enriched creams, lotions and concentrates, all tailored to help meet every need from extremely sensitive skin to aging, sagging, acne, dehydration, hyperpigmentation, and even post-surgery skin.

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