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6th Cloud Computing Summit 2012

CompanyProfileandconferences.com promote a new conference on '6th Cloud Computing Summit 2012' discuss on current trends and technologies of Cloud Computing Market.6th Cloud Computing Summit 2012 To be held on 21st Nov 2012 at Marriott Hotel, Hyderabad, (Tank Bund Road), IndiaThe future is definitely on the cloud: Cloud Computing has become one of the hottest IT enterprise topics of recent times. It is fast becoming mainstream with large steps being made in a relatively short period of time. Cloud Computing has become a scalable services consumption and delivery platform in the field of Services Computing. The technical foundations of Cloud Computing include Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Virtualizations of hardware and software. http://www.companyprofilesandconferences.com/seminars-conferences/6th-Cloud-Computing-Summit-2012.html The goal of Cloud Computing is to share resources among the cloud service consumers, cloud partners, and cloud vendors in the cloud value chain. SaaS market in India is largely dominated by email, collaboration tools, CRM/ ERP and currently stands at $123-143 million for CY11. The SaaS market has grown at a CAGR of 46 percent from $56-67 million in CY09 until CY11. The PaaS and IaaS markets in India on the other hand are rapidly growing, though from a small base, highlighted the study. The PaaS market in India is at $1.5-2.5 million in CY11, which has grown at a CAGR of 75 percent from $0.5-1.5 million in CY09. IaaS market in India on the other side stands at $38-47 million as in CY11.For more information kindly visit : http://www.companyprofilesandconferences.com/seminars-conferences/6th-Cloud-Computing-Summit-2012.html OrContact us at :Company Profiles And ConferencesPhone : +91 22 27810772 / 27810773Fax : + 91 22 27812290E-mail : [email protected] Website : www.companyprofilesandconferences.com

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