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Up to 35% Off on Massage - Custom at Root and Branch

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

We want to prove to you that massage is more than a feel-good option. Let us help resolve your chronic pain! Tax not included in price.

One 60-Minute Custom Massage

60 Minutes of hands-on Massage, completely customized to your needs!

At Root and Branch, we are trained in therapeutic massage and shiatsu, modalities aimed at helping you feel your best! Massage can help with things like chronic pain and tension patterns, resolving old injuries, fatigue, emotional stress, and so much more. 

Let us help you get to a feeling of wellness!

One 90-Minute Custom Massage

90 Minutes of hands-on Massage, completely customized to your needs!

At Root and Branch, we are trained in therapeutic massage and shiatsu, modalities aimed at helping you feel your best! Massage can help with things like chronic pain and tension patterns, resolving old injuries, fatigue, emotional stress, and so much more. 

Let us help you get to a feeling of wellness!

Located in NE St. Paul, Root and Branch is a newly opened massage and shiatsu business. Co-owned by two local massage therapists, our goal is simple- to help you feel well, consistently. We offer cupping as an add-on service, along with regular deals and discounts. We want to grow our clientele base and help as many people as possible!

Visit our website at www.rootandbranchllc.com to learn more. 

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