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Up to 34% Off on Massage - Deep Tissue at Reset Massage

48-hour cancellation notice required. Credit card required at booking. Appointment required, contact by phone at (612) 707-1620. Limit 3 per person(s), may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. 24-hour rescheduling policy.

Reset Relax Massage has been awarded Best Day Spa in the Twin Cities for 2021. We’re grateful & excited to be apart of your healing journey.

One 60-Minute Relaxation Massage with add-on of your choice (HOT STONES, FOOT SCRUB, OR AROMATHERAPY)

One 60 Minute DEEP TISSUE massage with add-on of your choice(HOTSTONES, FOOT SCRUB, OR AROMATHERAPY)

One 90 Minute Relaxation massage with add-on(HOTSTONES, FOOT SCRUB, OR AROMATHERAPY)

One 90 Minute DEEP TISSUE Massage with add-on of your choice(HOT STONES, FOOT SCRUB, AROMATHERAPY)

One 120 Minute Relaxation Massage with add-on of your choice(HOT STONES, FOOT SCRUB, AROMATHERAPY)

One 120 Minute DEEP TISSUE Massage with add-on of your choice(HOT STONES, FOOT SCRUB, AROMATHERAPY)

WE have 3 different time lengths of massages you may choose from: 

60 Minutes, 90 Minutes or 120 Minutes. 

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