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$31.50 for a One-Hour Massage and Pain Consultation at New Health Centers ($164 Value)

Not valid with Medicare, Medicaid, or other federal insurance programs. Appointment required. Subject to availability. Limit 1 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). Limit 1 per visit. New customers only. Must use promotional value in 1 visit(s). Valid only for option purchased. All goods or services must be used by the same person. 24-hour cancellation notice required.

Experienced practitioners enlist techniques to uncover sources of pain before gently massaging away aches and stress

The Deal

  • $31.50 for a one-hour massage with a pain consultation ($164 value)

Valid at the following location:

During the initial consultation, a practitioner delves into the patient’s health history to see when aches first appeared and how long they’ve been impeding daily activities such as walking and restful sleeping. Palpation and other diagnostic measures seek out the root source of the individual’s hurtful symptoms during a comprehensive pain evaluation. With this newly gleaned information, the massage therapist—under the doctor’s direction—artfully kneads muscles and joints in an attempt to exorcise pain and relieve stress and provide emotional release without turning to drugs or surgery.

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