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Renovation Celebration Event

Pet Supermarket is howlin’ with excitement! The specialty pet supply retailer is hosting a Renovation Celebration Event at its recently remodeled store in Hialeah, Florida. The event is happening during store hours on Saturday, May 18, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Sunday, May 19, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Located within the Gratigny Shopping Plaza at 1800 W. 68th St., the Renovation Celebration Event will provide Hialeah community members with a chance to check out the store’s new features, including an updated and expanded floorplan designed for an improved shopping experience. Attendees will also enjoy Pet Supermarket’s services selection, doorbuster deals and exclusive giveaways. Always welcome in store, pets are encouraged to attend the Renovation Celebration Event alongside their human parents. Pet Supermarket’s Delish their Dish! experience will give attendees an interactive opportunity from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day to build a bowl for their furry friends using the premium, healthy and high-quality selection available at the Hialeah location. Pet Supermarket team members are available to walk attendees through the variety of ways they can create nutritious meals to help pets thrive. The weekend will also feature appearances from Pet Supermarket’s local radio partners WXDJ-FM and WRMA-FM. Local adoption partners will also be onsite with their crew of furry friends in need of forever homes. Throughout the weekend, attendees will enjoy $10 off their $50-purchase. For pets and parents alike, now is the time to unleash their excitement!

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