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SBDC Leading With Your Strengths

Do you want to become a better leader? What are you naturally good at? What are your strengths and how do you use them in the workplace? For this course, you will have the opportunity to take the CliftonStrengths for Leaders assessment and use the results to help uncover who you are as a professional in relation to your natural talents. The course will dive deep into your personalized CliftonStrengths report to reflect on your role as a leader and uncover how you can intentionally use your strengths. Throughout the course, we will engage in interactive learning through self-reflection and various breakout exercises. You will leave the session with a personal action plan that you create to drive success for yourself and the people around you. In this session you will: Increase awareness and knowledge of your individual leadership strengths through your GallupStrengths for Leaders report Understand the application of principles related to strengths-based development Appreciate your unique talents within the context of your leadership role Learn how to your Strengths contribute to your success Discover how your Strengths could hinder you from success Develop an action plan to implement immediately to achieve your goals

Event Links

Website: https://go.evvnt.com/2642016-3

Tickets: https://go.evvnt.com/2642016-2

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