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Land of Plenty; An Appeal to Heaven by Emily Belknap

For the Land of Plenty Belknap has created a series of hand-embroidered flags, dis-played on six-foot poles and topped with carved wooden finials. Each flag is designed for a “natural remnant,” a landscape that has been diminished but still exists as an ex-ample of what was once vast. The subtitle of this series, An Appeal to Heaven refers to a continental army flag from 1775 depicting a pine tree. White pine was used for the masts of colonial warships. In this way, the first American flag exposed the nation’s founding motive: mass extraction of abundant resources. There is a paradox embed-ded in each flag, as they at once confront pride in scarcity while affirming actual abundance.

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Website: https://go.evvnt.com/2685691-0

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