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Up to 74% Off on Hair Restoration - Other at The Ghaly Center

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. Appointment required. Must sign waiver.

PRP Hair Restoration Therapy is a medical treatment that utilizes growth factors from the patient’s own blood to ignite hair growth.

One Tube of Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy with Microneedling for Hair Restoration

-Consultation with Fouad I. Ghaly, MD

-One PRP Hair Restoration Therapy Session with Microneedling and One Tube of Platelet Rich Plasma

Two Tubes of Platelet-Rich Plasma with Microneedling for Hair Restoration

-Consultation with Fouad I. Ghaly, MD

-Two PRP Hair Restoration Therapy Sessions with Microneedling and Two Tubes of Platelet Rich Plasma

Three Tubes of Platelet-Rich Plasma with Microneedling for Hair Restoration

-Consultation with Fouad I. Ghaly, MD

-Three PRP Hair Restoration Therapy Sessions with Microneedling and Three Tubes of Platelet Rich Plasma

PRP Hair Restoration Therapy is a medical treatment that utilizes growth factors from the patient’s own blood. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is plasma that has been

enriched with a high concentration of platelets. Platelets contain growth factors that ignite

hair growth, blood vessel formation and collagen production.

What happens during a PRP Hair Restoration Treatment?

• Dr. Ghaly will assess the degree of hair loss, perform a simple analysis, and recommend a sensible treatment with a reasonable outcome.

• Blood is drawn and placed in a centrifuge to separate the PRP and activate the growth factors.

• While the blood is processing (for approximately 15 minutes) your skin is cleansed and a local anesthetic cream is applied.

• A medical instrument is used to create micropunctures that penetrate the outer

layer of the skin. This not only ensures the plasma will be effectively absorbed into the skin,

but it also prompts the skin cells to release a variety of growth factors.

• PRP is carefully administered all over the head and/or into specific target areas.

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