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Up to 26% Off on Hangover IV at Nenergyboost

Not valid for customers active within the past 6 month(s). Appointment required. Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 180 days.

We’re committed to guiding clients’ on their glowful journey. Improve your quality of life and achieve optimal wellness now.

Mobile IV Therapy

Let us come to you. Mobile IV therapy deal includes one of the following IVs:

  • Myer's
  • Beauty
  • Jet Lag
  • Hangover

Regular price will be charged for any additional services or add-ons. Location must be within 5 miles from one of our stores. Limit one per person.

IV Therapy

Glow from within. Choose from one of the following IVs to have you feeling your best.

  • Myer's
  • Hangover
  • Jet Lag
  • Beauty

Nenergy Boost is pioneering anti-aging medicine and instant wellness by providing a personalized approach to those seeking a solution with hydration and nutrient intake for optimal health and energy. Our vision is for every client to feel better when they leave then when they come in the door and carry that glow into the world.

Nenergy Boost is a wellness clinic with a range of services and a simple mission; to instantly boost the quality of your life. Dr.Ghozland’s IV highly-consultative hydration and nutrient formulations offer optimal wellness, improve quality of life, and give you that glow from within. Drink from the fountain of youth.

With locations in Marina del Rey, Brentwood, West Hollywood, and Malibu, we’re committed to guiding clients’ on a glowful journey. Nenergy Boost offers a range of effective services, such as bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, oxidative (ozone) therapy, customized weight-loss support, anti-aging vitamin boosts, IV therapy, and more. Our IV formulations contain high-quality ingredients from one of the most respected compounding pharmacies and are developed and customized on arrival to suit the individual’s needs and energy levels on that specific day.

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