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One, Three, or Five Endermologie Treatments at Privileged Beverly Hills (Up to 35% Off)

Not valid for customers active within the past 12 month(s). Appointment required. Consultation required; non-candidates and other refund requests will be honored before service provided. Merchant's standard cancellation policy applies (any fees not to exceed voucher price). Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). Limit 1 per visit. Valid only for option purchased. All goods or services must be used by the same person.

During noninvasive Endermologie sessions, rollers work to massage away cellulite by breaking down dimpled structures

  • Patients slip into a special bodysuit and relax on the treatment table as a licensed professional guides Endermologie rollers over the body. The rollers’ massaging action helps break down the lumpy tissue structures that cause cellulite’s signature dimpled appearance.
  • Typical treatment areas for women include the arms, back, waist, stomach, saddle bags, buttocks, thighs, inner thighs, knees, and calves.
  • Typical treatment areas for men include the arms, back, pecs, waist, stomach, thighs.

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