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Up to 69% Off on Massage - Custom at North Orange County Chiropractic And Wellness Center

Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s).

Highly Rated on Yelp and Google. We want to ensure that every body that comes to us leaves feeling better.

Consultation/Exam with Chiropractor and (1) 50-Minute Therapeutic Massage

Consultation/Exam with Dr. Neha Patel a Qualified Medical Evaluator and Chiropractor. She will assess your bodies needs and relate the information to the Massage Therapist to ensure you benefit the most from your session. She will suggest certain therapies or even exercises to promote balance in your everyday life.

Also included is a 50-min hands-on customized massage with a Certified/Licensed Massage Therapist. Modalities may include Swedish, Pre-natal and Therapeutic.

Consultation/Exam with Chiropractor, (1) Adjustment and PT Modalities

Consultation/Exam with Dr. Neha Patel a Qualified Medical Evaluator and Chiropractor. She will assess your bodies needs utilize the modalities she feels are necessary to ensure you benefit the most from your session. She will suggest certain therapies or even exercises to promote balance in your everyday life.

Also Included is (1) Chiropractic Adjustment and Physical Therapy Modalities. Modalities may include: Electrical Stimulation, Manual Adjustments, Therapeutic Ultrasound, Hot and Cold Therapy, Traction table, Activator, Physical Therapy Bay, and Drop Table.

Prenatal/Pregnancy Consultation/Exam with Chiropractor, (1) Adjustment and PT Modalities

Consultation/Exam with Dr. Neha Patel a Qualified Medical Evaluator and Chiropractor specializing in Webster Technique. Webster Technique is a specific Chiropractic modality for pregnancy. She will assess your bodies needs and ensure you benefit the most from your session. She will suggest certain therapies or even exercises to promote balance in your everyday life.

Also Included is (1) Chiropractic Adjustment and Physical Therapy Modalities. Modalities may include: Manual Adjustments, Drop Table, Activator, Hot and Cold Therapies, Wobble Chair, Traction, and Pt Stretching.

Prenatal/Pregnancy Consultation/Exam with Chiropractor and (1) 50-Minute Pre-Natal Massage

Consultation/Exam with Dr. Neha Patel a Qualified Medical Evaluator and Chiropractor specializing in Webster Technique. Webster Technique is a specific Chiropractic modality for pregnancy. She will assess your bodies needs and relate the information to the Massage Therapist to ensure you benefit the most from your session. She will suggest certain therapies or even exercises to promote balance in your everyday life.

Also included is a 50-min hands-on customized pre-natal massage with a Certified/Licensed Massage Therapist. 

You will be scheduled for your consultation and exam before treatment. We ask that you arrive 15-20 mins before your scheduled time to complete check-in and Covid Screening. 

Please call to schedule at 714.256.0411

Limit 1 per person, but you may purchase one additional voucher as a gift. 

One-time purchase per voucher. 

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