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Up to 50% Off on Ouidad Curl Restoration Package at Lune Salon

Promotional value expires 6 months after purchase. May be repurchased every 30 days. Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s).

A fresh start to your curly journey on your very first visit.

Ouidad Haircut, Curl Restoration Treatment & Curly Styling

We begin by going over your current hair status and future goals. Your shape and over all hair length will be part of the consultation process. Next your curls will be washed and hydrated followed by a deep conditioning treatment. The cut usually takes place while the hair is wet and hydrated. After the cut is done then your hair will be rinsed and style curly so that the overall shape can be seen in its natural state. Once the hair is about 90% dry I will go in and refine the cut if needed.

Please pre-detangle your curls 2-3 days in advance before your appointment. This will help me to see the shape that your hair takes after wearing in out for a few days and will allow for a better over all assessment of your current shape and curl pattern. I would advise that you do not arrive with your hair in a ponytail, braided or pulled back if possible as this will stretch out your curls and change the shape / pattern.

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