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Up to 46% Off on Lymphatic Drainage Massage at Bossa Brazilian Spa

Limit 3 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. Appointment required, contact by phone at (424) 302-3335 .

Brazil inspired spa with a professional licensed Brazilian therapist, aromatherapy, color therapy, hot towels, heated beds and music.

One 60-Minute Lymphatic Drainage Massage at Bossa Brazilian Spa

Three 60-Minute Lymphatic Drainage Massage at Bossa Brazilian Spa

Three 60-Minute Lymphatic Drainage Massage at Bossa Brazilian Spa + Cavitation

What is included: 60-Minute Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage by professional licensed Brazilian therapist

Usually, when people hear about Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) Massage they think it’s only for individuals who have lymphedema. While its reputation as a form of medical massage therapy isn’t undeserved, Lymphatic Drainage has recently become a technique of choice among a variety of massage lovers due to its many benefits.

During a lymph drainage massage, a specially-trained massage therapist uses a series of gliding, compressing, stretching, and cupping motions over the client’s body. The light rhythmic movements, stimulate the lymphatic system without compressing the vessels – allowing lymph to move easily through the tissues and lymph nodes. MLD follows a specific sequence over the body so lymph isn’t trapped anywhere, making sure every area is treated with care.


  • Eliminates fluid and accumulated toxins
  • Essential and recommended for post surgery
  • Detox the body
  • Activates the immune system
  • Acts as analgesic
  • Eliminates waste and swelling
  • Helps to eliminate cellulite and localized fat
  • Essential in aiding weight loss  

Massage therapist Name : Maria Marin Massage therapist License Number: A322757

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