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Up to 82% Off on Facial - Blemish Treatment at Lifespan Euro Medspa

Appointment required. Must sign waiver. Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 120 days.

Deep exfoliation can help improve the tone, texture, and clarity of skin

One Diamond Microdermabrasion Treatment with a Luxury Facial

  • An aesthetician moves a pen-like wand—with a diamond-studded tip—gently over your face in short, quick strokes, breaking up dull, dead skin cells as the wand whisks them away.
  • Potential benefits of microdermabrasion: brighter and softer skin in the short term, meaning makeup can be applied more smoothly. After multiple treatments, you may notice a reduction in sunspots, scars, and fine lines, as well as improved skin tone and clarity.

Benefits of Luxury Facial: brighter and softer skin in the short term, meaning makeup can be applied more smoothly. After multiple treatments, customer may notice a reduction in sunspots, scars, and fine lines, as well as improved skin tone and clarity.

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