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Up to 60% Off on Cavitation at Bad Body Contouring Body Spa

Appointment required. Must sign waiver. Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

Bad body contouring help to reduce fat deposits, it also provides a surplus of other benefits. The technology used will reduce fat

Four Ultrasonic-Cavitation Treatments

This deal includes : 4 Ultrasonic cavitation Treatments that relies on ultrasound technology to break apart fat cells. Ultrasound waves are sent deep into the layers of your skin, causing a disruptive vibration. Fat cells then break apart from each other and are dislodged from your dermal layers.

Eight Ultrasonic-Cavitation Treatments

This deal includes : 8 Ultrasonic cavitation treatments that relies on ultrasound technology to break apart fat cells. Ultrasound waves are sent deep into the layers of your skin, causing a disruptive vibration. Fat cells then break apart from each other and are dislodged from your dermal layers.

Ten Ultrasonic-Cavitation Treatments

This deal includes : 10 Sessions of Ultrasonic cavitation that relies on ultrasound technology to break apart fat cells. Ultrasound waves are sent deep into the layers of your skin, causing a disruptive vibration. Fat cells then break apart from each other and are dislodged from your dermal layers.

Using a handheld ultrasound device, we'll slowly go over the target area of your body. You may feel a warm sensation during the procedure and hear a buzzing from the ultrasound machine. Treatments typically take between 40 minutes to an hour.

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