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Up to 46% Off on Radio Frequency Skin Tightening at Pleasurebodyspa

Appointment required. Must sign waiver. If Client isn’t a great candidate for service due to health , Refund or other options in services will be provided. No-Show and 15 minutes after appointment will be canceled and client will have to pay additional $40 for reschedule.  Limit 3 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. Not valid with insurance.

Non- Invasive service provides 3-10 inch loss total with each service. For best results drink 2liters water prior and follow after care.

1 hour session of abdominal 360 laser lipo

3- 1hour sessions of abdominal 360 laser lipo

5- 1hour sessions of abdominal 360 laser lipo

  • Skin Tightening: Targets loose skin , saggy skin or stubborn fat pockets. Decreasing the size with each treatment.

  • Cavitation: Targets inch loss and the breakdown of stubborn fat with no needles or downtime. Non- Invasive treatments are great for long term and short term goals. Targets those hard to loose areas that doesn’t go away with diet and workout. 
  • Non-Invasive treatments does require more sessions to help rid the body of toxins naturally. 10-12 sessions are recommended for best results. Pleasurebodyspa also has alternative machines for efficiency, requires 3-6 sessions as well as several alternative services to speed up the process. Example: Ice- Sculpting , Mesolipo, Cool-Sculpting, Sauna Detox /Wraps. Visit website for many other services: Vagina Rejuvenation, Wood Therapy and Diet Plans and Meal Plan purchases. 

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