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An Overview of Vietnam and How America Became Involved in Its Affairs

If you’ve ever been curious about Vietnam, its history, culture, or people, then join us for an enlightening overview of this Southeast Asian nation and how the US came to be entwined in this particular corner of the globe. Presented by Colonel Martin S. Kleiner, US Army, Retired. Colonel Kleiner was drafted in 1966 and spent the next twenty six years in the service, retiring in 1992. He is a Vietnam veteran, serving two tours as an Assault/Attack Helicopter Pilot as well as an Operations Officer and Air Mission Commander. He is involved in the Liberty War Birds Association, a nonprofit in Lancaster, PA. They have restored a UH-1H (Huey) helicopter that served in Vietnam and the organization takes it to various Veterans’ events. Their mission is to “Educate, Honor and Restore” regarding the role of the iconic UH-1 in Vietnam, with an emphasis on restoring the honor and dignity of the Veterans who served in Vietnam and were often, at best, ignored when they returned home. He currently devotes much of his time to building houses for Habitat for Humanity with his wife.

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Website: https://go.evvnt.com/2430428-0

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