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Live Webinar on Advanced Coaching Techniques for Supervisors and Managers

OVERVIEW In this fast-paced webinar, corporate culture expert Larry Johnson will discuss coaching techniques for leaders and more. He will also share with you a technique we call Mode Management Coaching®.
The program shows you how to vary your coaching style to match the needs and abilities of each person with whom you work so you raise the odds of their success as an employee and your success as a coach.
After hiring the right people, coaching people to improve their performance can be a daunting responsibility for many managers and supervisors.
• Do you ever wonder why some people you are coaching seem to soak up your advice and thrive on it while others simply don’t get it?
• Do some of your folks seem to resist when you give directions?
• Are there times when you wish people would use their heads and not coming running to you every time they run into a problem?
• Do you lose sleep worrying if your subordinates are managing as you would like them to?
• Would the people who work for you say you are a micro-manager?
• Are you sure about that?
• Do you ever wonder “when to hold’em and when to fold’em when it comes to keeping a non-performing or difficult employee?
You will learn:
• Five coaching modes and how to use them.
• Effective coaching skills for managers and how to determine what each coachee needs from you to succeed.
• When and how to vary your approach.
• What variable to consider when coaching in different situations.
• How to determine when to give orders and when to ask for input.
• The right questions to ask to maximize the coachee’s outcomes.
• How to respond to a decline in the coachee’s performance.
This webinar goes beyond the standard formula of Explaining-Showing-Observing-Giving Feedback model that is used in most coaching programs.
You will learn advanced coaching techniques for managers and how to tailor your coaching efforts to match the readiness and capability of the person being coached, thus ensuring that you both get the best result.
• Team leaders
• Managers
• Directors
• Leaders – anyone who manages or coaches others.

For more detail please click on this below link:

Email: [email protected]
Toll Free: +1-888-300-8494
Tel: +1-720-996-1616
Fax: +1-888-909-1882

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